Differentiating forms of mass movement

Re: Differentiating forms of mass movement

by Helena Gerdener -
Number of replies: 0
Dear Sean,

(Answer to paragraph 1:)

It is unclear whether slash and burn and related land cover changes affect water storage on a scale visible in GRACE. Anyway, since the maps are not deseasoned, what we see here is predominantly the seasonal cycle in total water storage which has a wide span between wet and dry season, which was already shown to be large in some papers (e.g. Wahr et al. 2004; Crowley et al. 2008). Thus the change in the gravity field can likely be explained by the seasonal cycle.

(Answer to paragraph 2:)

The figures show drought indicators derived from total water storage deficits. For analysing trends one would need to look at trend maps which are available in the literature. For attributing observed trends or changes to individual drivers like snow melt, permafrost change or land surface change (fires) one would need to conform the observed data with model simulations. There are plenty of studies in the literature.

(Answer to paragraph 3:)

The map shows loss of total water storage (surface, groundwater, etc) over 15 years which is a short timespan. Using model simulations, several published studies have attributed these changes to unsustainable use of groundwater over India, and this has been confirmed from groundwater well observations, so there is a high confidence. For other regions of the world, trends have been observed with GRACE but it is often difficult to attribute them so causes – this could be changes in agricultural practice like irrigation but also be natural climate variability.
