Topic outline

  • Welcome

    We hope you will enjoy the first learning block!

    Please note the following dates:

    Before we start, you are cordially invited to fill in a quick survey which will help us learn more about the audience so we can customize the content & discussion accordingly:

  • Webinar

    Webinars are organized for a more strategy-oriented purpose so they raise global awareness about drought risk reduction and management and stimulate active dialogue and engaging discussion among project partners, relevant international organizations, scientists, students, practitioners, policy makers and the public audience.

    GlobeDrought Webinar series is based on 12 learning blocks that will be delivered sequentially. Each learning block covers a topic with three activities including a Webinar, online lecture followed by facilitated forum discussion.

    • The first introductory webinar & lecture provide a general overview of the objectives of GlobeDrought. It will discuss the relevance of understanding and assessing drought risk and its sectoral impacts in order to create more resilience societies.

      The leading questions are: What is a drought, how can it be characterized, why does it matter globally (past events & impacts, future outlook), what is drought risk, what are key components, why do we need to understand and assess drought risk?

      • Date: 26/02/2019
      • Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (CET)

      This webinar lasts around one hour. 30 minutes presentation, 30 minutes Q&A.

      • Prof. Dr. Stefan Siebert (Uni Göttingen)
  • Lecture

    Online lectures are planned for a more content-focused approach that is based on didactic teaching for different groups of target audience.

  • Discussion