First looking at slide 8 of Hemlholtz’s presentation, I noted how closely together and overlapping the orbits are, while also noting that they also have an angle of ~5degrees.
On slide 6 of Helena’s presentation, the anomalies seem to be following the magnetic field lines of the magnetosphere, They are not on angles, and while seemingly evenly distributed, also do not bear the sign of being as close together as the orbits or overlapping, or being on angles which the satellite path had. This suggests that what is being filtered out is not following the orbital path of GRACE. My guess is that this is a result of water being much higher in the atmosphere and lingering longer above the troposphere, and because water can conduct electricity, are following the magnetic field lines. So not actually an anomaly, just water mass appearing in an unexpected place. Also note, that at least around the equatorial areas, where there is much more blue, that spread of the blue, seems to be following the path of the jet stream. That is my guess as to why they are lumpy, which also would not happen if that was simply an orbital anomaly, the anomaly would be following latitudes instead of longitudes. The only thing moving longitudinally, would be the jet-stream / air currents.
The filtered data is more useful for ground related measurements however and I can see the reason for the preference, just saying that the unfiltered isn’t actually wrong, simply displaying an aspect which was unexpected, and thus not an actual error.